Cyber security services in Stamford are focused on making cyberspace free from threats, mainly cyber threats. “Cyber-threats” is rather vague and implies the nasty use of information and communication technologies (ICT).
As commonly used, the term “cyber security” refers to three things:
- A technical as well as non technical set of activities planned to protect computer networks, hardware and devices software, as well as other elements of cyberspace, including threats to the national security;
- The security and protection from the application of these activities and measures;
- The research and analysis aimed at implementing and improving their quality associated with field of professional endeavor.
Information security is very important and cyber security is more than just information security or data security.
Cyber Security Challenges
Cyberspace is a borderless network consisting of IT networks, computer resources, and all the mobile devices connected to the global Internet. Cyberspace is continuing to expand as there is increased internet penetration. There is an increased emphasis on the security of cyber infrastructure because of the security problems. Explosion of mobile devices continues to be based on the same insecure system.
Cyber Attacks
Cyber attacks are the deliberate actions to alter, disrupt, degrade, or destroy computer systems or the information and programs in or transiting these systems or networks.
Cyberattacks may include the following consequences:
• Identity theft, fraud, extortion
• Malware, spamming, spoofing, spyware, Trojans and viruses
• Stolen hardware
• Denial-of-service attacks
• Password sniffing
• System infiltration
• Website defacement
• Private and public Web browser exploits
• Instant messaging abuse
In U.S many companies have gone through cyber attack. The U.S. should create a defined system of active cyber defense so the private companies can defend their networks.
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