Wednesday 16 March 2016

Cloud Hosting- The Future Of Hosting Services

The era in which we live today, the technology changes rapidly with each passing. In order to cope up with constant advancements the expert must come up with innovative network solutions. One of the advancements on the list are the cloud servers.

Cloud servers are similar to physical servers in some respects and but with different functionalities. Today, many clients prefer renting space on a virtual server in the form of cloud hosting instead of going for purchase of physical servers.

Dedicated hosting and shared hosting are two traditional options when it comes to hosting.Shared hosting is cost effective and is shared among hosting provider’s various clients. It also has its own set of disadvantages namely, inflexible setup and inability to cater to large amount of traffic.

Whereas, dedicated hosting is an advanced form under which clients are required to procure physical servers. It gives them an independent server without involving other clients. These servers provide full control over hosting. The downside is that it requires prediction as per needs to cope up with excess traffic levels.

Cloud hosting is the perfect balance between both of them. The cloud resources can be manipulated upwards or downwards as per requirement and thus makes the process very cost effective. When there is an increased demand on servers the capacity can be amplified automatically to match it without having to pay on a permanent basis.

Some of the prominent advantages of cloud servers have been mentioned below

  • Flexible & Scalable:
Cloud hosting allows extra resources to be added whenever required by the client.

  • Cost Effective:
It is available at the time of need but the clients have the freedom of paying for the amount of hosting being used at a particular time.

  • Easy To Install:
They are easy to set up and do not require much effort for the initial setup.

  • Reliable:
Due to large availability of servers the resources can be shifted without affecting the clients.

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